BPCIA Member Benefits

Quarterly Meetings

Luncheon with informative business topics presented.

Annual Meeting

Luncheon that includes installation of Officers and Directors. Also a "State of the Village" address is given by the current Mayor.

Networking Business Expo

Great way to showcase your company.

Lunch & Learns

Relative business topics discussed.

Newsletter Articles

Free to members! This is a perfect place to showcase your business and any special news you want to share. Did your business receive a special award, is there a special anniversary you want to brag about, do you have some new equipment or product you want to be known? Call our office to make arrangements to highlight your business in our E-Newsletter.

Networking Social Events

With surrounding Chambers of Commerce.

Golf Outings

Great way to treat your clients to a wonderful day of golf and dinner.

Enhance Lines of Communication

With Local and State Government

Membership Directory

Listing of all member companies including description of your business and contact person.

Join the BPCIA today